26 August 2017

Terenure Walking Trail on Saturday 2nd September

Let's Walk and Talk 

The Terenure Walking Trail with historian Pat Liddy will take place on Saturday 2nd September. 

Meet at 12 noon at St Joseph's Church, Terenure Road East. 

No need to book. 

17 August 2017

Local Poperty Tax - public consultation

Dublin City Council are holding a public consultation until Wednesday 31st August 2017 to canvas the views of the public on the adjustment of the base rate of the Local Property Tax (LPT) for the year 2018.  The information gained in this consultation will be presented in a report to City Councillors, at a special meeting to be held in September 2017, to inform them in their decision making duties on the adjustment of the LPT rate for 2018.  Once the Councillors make their decision it must be notified to the Revenue Commissioners and the Department of Planning, Housing and Local Government by September 30th 2017. 

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a Local Authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor. Under Section 20 of this act a Local Authority is required to carry out a public consultation process to canvass the public for their opinions and views.  

Access to the survey will be via the consultation hub of the DCC website, where there will be an FAQ document and where participants can complete an on-line survey at https://consultation.dublincity.ie/. It will also be possible to do the following;

1.       Submit a PDF version of the survey via email to LPTconsultation@dublincity.ie

2.       Submit a hard copy of the survey to 
LPT Consultation,
C/O Finance Dept,
Dublin City Council,
Block 1 Floor 8,
Civic Offices,
Wood Quay,
Dublin 8.

Hard copies of the surveys will be made available at DCC Public Libraries, local Area Offices and the Customer Services Centre in the Civic Offices, Wood Quay or downloaded from www.dublincity.ie.  The survey can be completed in English or Irish.

Closing date:  Wednesday 31st August 2017 

14 August 2017

Terenure Family Fun Day - can you help out?

The Terenure Family Fun Day will take place on Saturday the 16th of September from 1 - 4PM, once again we will have Bouncing Castles, Face Painting, lots of Live Music and of course the lovely Bushy Park Market!

This year the event is being run by I Love Terenure 2030, and Mr. John Dennehy will be Event Manager/Coordinator, and he and ILT2030 are looking for a team of around 20 Volunteers to assist on the day.

If you can help, please respond directly to John (johncolmandennehy@eircom.net) and we will provide a lunch for all willing hands at 12.00 Noon after the Volunteer meeting.