14 June 2015

Major Planning Application for 85 Templeogue Road

Planning permission has been submitted by Sheelin McSharry (the developers of the Bushy Park apartment blocks) to:

Demolish the 2 storey house at 85 Templeogue Road, Terenure

and build:

A 4 storey block of 22 apartments,
a 3 storey block of 6 apartments,
2 x three storey houses,
and 46 car parking spaces
- all on a site which is only 0.34 hectares.

You can view plans for this development on Dublin City Council’s website www.dublincity.ie (planning ref 2878/15) or at a public meeting on:

 Tuesday 16th June at 8pm 
Terenure Enterprise Centre
17 Rathfarnham Road

Similar proposals submitted by the developer in 2005 and 2010 were refused by Dublin City Council following significant local opposition.  The Terenure Residents' Association will be objecting again to these proposals and invite you to join us by examining the proposals and submitting your own objection.

To see the proposals online, go to www.dublincity.ie/swiftlg/apas/run/wphappcriteria.display and enter 2878/15 in the planning reference box and click "search".