The recent closure of the slip road leading from Zion Road into Orwell Road outside Stratford College in Rathgar has lead to extensive traffic delays along Zion Road and Bushy Park Road during the morning peak hours, as all traffic from Zion Road is now obliged to use the single lane, traffic light controlled exit onto Orwell Road. Previously, traffic heading into Rathgar, which comprised the majority of vehicles using the junction, could simply give way and merge onto Orwell Road by using the slip road.
The closure was implemented by Dublin City Council as part of the installation of a "School zone" outside the school. Details of the plan and consultation are here. The webpage, updated in April 2024, makes no mention of the slip road closure, although it is indicated in the linked document.
During the consultation phase, a large number of local residents who use the junction regularly and are familiar with its operation, indicated that while broadly in favour of the installation of the bollards, road markings etc, the closure of the slip road would cause major traffic disruption for minimal (if any) improvement in safety. Unfortunately DCC chose to ignore this overwhelming consensus and closed the slip road anyway.
The project was headed by the Schools Mobility Team at Dublin City Council. Should you wish to contact them to detail your experience of the junction since its closure, they can be contacted at , or via the DCC switchboard on 01 222 2222.
You can also of course contact your local Councillors, details are here