If you require help during the current emergency, or know someone living near you who might, there are 2 sources of help available. Please help inform any elderly neighbours who may not have internet access and may not be aware of help available:
I Love Terenure has compiled a list of volunteers by road in the greater Terenure area. Details are available at https://sites.google.com/view/iloveterenure/help, or details can be collected on a leaflet available at Centra.
An Garda Siochana in the Rathmines & Terenure Garda District wish to gather details of persons who may be living alone / feeling vulnerable / housebound or generally having difficulty going about their daily lives and who may have concerns about how COVID-19 may impact on their lives.
The Community Garda Team in Rathmines & Terenure are in the process of calling to many of the people that they are already aware of to provide reassurance and are ready to give whatever assistance they can.
If you are aware of anybody or have concerns for any person, they would very much appreciate that you let them know as soon as you can.
Any details that you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and the aim is to carry out visits and assist with day to day living so as to make sure that people do not have to endure hardship if they are required to self-isolate.
It may be a difficult and concerning time ahead for some people but rest assured that the Community Garda team are ready and willing to give whatever help they can.
The local Community team in Terenure is;
Gda Brendan Harte,
Gda Shay Kilbride,
and Gda Michael Power.
TERENURE GARDA STATION 01 6666400 / 666642